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Home FlyBoss Management Options for Sheep National Wool Declaration

National Wool Declaration

The wool supply chain is seeking information on the mulesing status of wool so that customer needs, in terms of product specification can be met.

The National Wool Declaration was developed at the request of industry and consolidates producer declarations in relation to:

  • Mulesing status
  • Dark and Medullated Fibre Risk
  • Chemical use

The information that you declare in the National Wool Declaration is translated into codes that appear on the wool sale catalogues and certificates. The information is vital in providing transparency to the wool supply chain about management practices in the Australian sheep industry.

Only a small proportion of the non-mulesed wool produced in Australia is currently being declared to the market place.

For producers who have made the decision to stop mulesing, completion of the National Wool Declaration is an important step in demonstrating their practices to customers along the supply chain. Evidence of price premiums for non-mulesed wool is starting to emerge, however there needs to be an increased supply of declared non-mulesed wool so that AWEX can accurately report on any premiums that exist. If non-mulesed wool is not declared, it will not possible to develop a market for the product or report any premiums that exist.

For producers who continue to mules, it is possible to declare the use of pain relief products at mulesing. Producers who continue to mules and complete the National Wool Declaration are demonstrating recognition of customers requests for increased information and transparency.

Information on the quantities of declared wool can be found on the AWEX website.

National Wool Declaration forms are available from your wool broker or the AWEX website.

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