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Industry Training

The Sheep CRC, AWI, MLA, Sheep Genetics and the State Departments of Primary Industry (I & I NSW, DAFWA, DEEDI Qld, TIAR (Tas), Rural Solutions SA and DPI Vic) have jointly developed the one stop shop for Flystrike Management.

Flystrike and Lice Management workshops will be held at locations around Australia and will provide information for sheep producers on an integrated approach to managing breech strike and body strike.

Participants will learn:

  • How to pick the sheep flies love;
  • Which chemicals work for flies and lice; and
  • How to prepare your management and breeding plan to prevent flies and lice.

The workshop will help you to:

  • Reduce the dollars you are spending;
  • Reduce the time it’s costing you;
  • Increase your income.

Find out dates and locations for workshops by clicking here (you will be redirected to the ParaBoss events calendar).

ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management

Advisors—rural merchandise staff, veterinarians, sheep consultants and extension staff—and students in animal and veterinary science courses, are now invited to enrol in the ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management.

This course provides formal training in effective integrated parasite management of sheep in Australia, covering worms, flies and lice.

Find the list of ParaBoss certified advisors here:

ParaBoss certified advisors

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